1:1 Yoga Therapy

Yoga for Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond

Pregnant women are warmly welcome at any of our weekly drop-in classes. Please be sure to let Lucy know before the start of the class. You can practice safely within a small group and learn all the basic yoga techniques that will keep you strong, stable and supple during your pregnancy. Be sure to attend our evening classes or Restorative Yoga workshops to learn how to relax deeply and enjoy extra special baby bonding time.

Drop-In Classes and Workshops

Holistic Pregnancy Journey

Book a Massage or Yoga Therapy session with Lucy and create your own Holistic Pregnancy Journey.

This could include any or all of the following:

  • Yoga for Fertility
  • Pregnancy Yoga
  • Pregnancy Massage
  • Yoga for Labour and Birth
  • ‘Fourth Trimester’ Postnatal Recovery Yoga
  • Baby Massage and Baby Yoga

If you are pregnant, trying to conceive or mothering small children, your yoga practice needs to include and support this. Yoga is more than just postures – your practice can also include breathing techniques, deep relaxation, self care massage, and lifestyle guidance based on the philosophy of yoga.

At your first session we will discuss what support you would like to have in place and schedule in sessions to meet your needs.

  • Fertility and Pre-Conception – focus will be on daily routine,  “womb-friendly” movements, self care massage and establishing a healthy menstrual cycle. Yoga and most especially relaxation can also be helpful in supporting you through IVF.
  • Pregnancy and Birth – there are yoga practices to meet the needs of your changing body at every stage of pregnancy. You are welcome for 1:1 sessions during your first trimester. Many women experience physical discomforts during pregnancy including pelvic pain, constipation, swollen joints and carpal tunnel syndrome, all of which can be managed to some extent with carefully chosen yoga practices. As your due date approaches, I can support you in creating beautiful birth intentions and provide guided relaxations and visualisations tailored to you and your partner.
  • Postpartum – an established home practice of yoga can be of immense support postpartum physically and emotionally.  Babies are always welcome and home practices are given which are realistic and easy to manage alongside babies and children. Many common postnatal challenges are easy to manage and recover from if you know clearly what to work on and how  (e.g. diastasis recti, pelvic pain, incontinence, sciatic pain or prolapse).
  • Loss – support with healing after pregnancy loss or through pregnancy after loss.
  • Mentoring – yoga gives us practices for all levels of our being – body, breath, mind, heart and soul. As well as physical exercises and breathing techniques sometimes our 1:1 sessions might include research, goal setting, discussion or ritual. We will discuss what you need at your first session and review frequently.
  • Massage – self care massage techniques will be shared as relevant to be part of your home practice. I can also offer separate massage sessions and these can be arranged as and when required. I can also offer massage tuition for you and a partner.
  • Yoga Teachers – If you are a yoga teacher, 1:1 classes can include support for your practice of teaching yoga and the particular challenge of doing this with a pregnant or postpartum body and the demands and responsibilities of parenting young children.

Book a Massage or Yoga Therapy session with Lucy.